Italian Congratulations for Weddings, Engagements, and New Babies

There are so many different ways to say congrats in Italian when someone shares exciting news or has accomplished something they should be proud of. Certain special moments, like weddings, engagements, anniversaries, and new babies, have dedicated phrases and expressions.

Learning how to congratulate others on their accomplishments is a key skill to have if you want to cultivate friendships and good relationships. So, how do you know which expression is best for your situation? The phrases you choose will depend on context, and on your relationship with the person you’re congratulating. In this guide, you’ll learn how to congratulate someone in Italian in a heartfelt, meaningful way in a variety of occasions.

Let’s get to it now!

Causes for celebration in Italian

Before we proceed to learning congratulatory phrases in Italian, let’s tackle the basic words and some of the reasons you might be congratulating somebody.

Italian word translation
nascita birth
nascere to be born, to come into the world
fidanzamento engagement
fidanzarsi to become engaged
sposarsi to get married
matrimonio marriage
nozze wedding
anniversario anniversary
congratulare to congratulate, to offer your congratulations
congratularsi con qn per qc to congratulate sb on sth
felicitare to congratulate, to thank
felicitarsi con qn per qc to congratulate sb on sth
augurare, esprimere un augurio to wish
augurio wish

General congrats messages

To begin, we’ll discuss several standard ways to express your congratulations in the Italian language in virtually any situation and occasion. Here are a few short Italian phrases you can use to offer congratulations.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni! Congratulations!
Le mie congratulazioni My congratulations
Le mie più sincere congratulazioni My most sincere congratulations
Congratulazioni vivissime Heartfelt congratulations to you
Congratulazioni, è fantastico! Congrats! That’s fantastic!
Congratulazioni, che bella notizia! Congrats! That’s fantastic news!
Molte congratulazioni Many congratulations
Complimenti! Compliments! Well done!
Felicitazioni! Felicitations!
Felicitazioni per il traguardo raggiunto! Felicitations on your achievement!
Auguri! Best wishes!
Tanti auguri! Best wishes!
Tanti cari auguri! Best wishes!
I miei migliori auguri! My best wishes!
Auguroni! Best wishes!

As you can see, congratulazioni and “congratulations” look very similar, and have the same meaning. They are cognates: words from different languages that share not only a similar meaning, but also a similar spelling and pronunciation. The same goes with complimenti and “compliments,” and with felicitazioni and “felicitations.”

Complimenti works in a variety of contexts, and can also be used ironically, while congratulazioni is considered slightly more formal, and is usually reserved to special occasions and big life events, like weddings, engagements, and new babies.

Felicitazioni comes from felicità, the Italian word for “happiness”. It can be an alternative to both congratulazioni and auguri, but it’s rather old-fashioned and rarely used in the spoken language.

Italian Wedding wishes

A wedding is a massive milestone in any person’s life. As mentioned previously, the standard way to congratulate someone in Italian is simply to say congratulazioni. It’s polite and appropriate enough, but, in this case, it’s considered more heartfelt if you say or write something extra-special to show how happy you are for the couple tying the knot.

Here are some common ways to congratulate someone on their wedding in Italian.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni per il vostro matrimonio! Congratulations on your wedding!
Congratulazioni agli sposi! Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Auguri e felicità ai novelli sposi! Best wishes and happiness to the newlyweds!
Evviva gli sposi! Long live the bride and groom!
Viva gli sposi! Long live the bride and groom!
Evviva! Hurray! Cheers!
Congratulazioni! I miei migliori auguri. Congratulations! My best wishes.
Tanti auguri per una vita felice insieme! Many wishes for a happy life together!
Siamo molto felici per voi! We’re truly happy for you!
Tanta felicità! Lots of happiness!
Siete una coppia stupenda, complimenti! You are a wonderful couple, congratulations!
Congratulazioni! Vi auguro il meglio che la vita possa darvi. Congratulations! Wishing you guys the best life can give you.

What to write in an Italian wedding card

Sending a congratulations card with a handwritten message is a fantastic way to honor the newlywed couple, express your feelings, give praise, and recognize their achievement. Take a look at some basic go-to wedding wishes that can work for just about any couple tying the knot.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Per le vostre nozze i nostri più sinceri auguri. For your wedding our sincerest wishes.
Con l’augurio che il vostro futuro insieme sia sempre radioso come questo giorno. Wishing you that your future together will always be as bright as this day.
Auguri per un meraviglioso futuro sempre insieme! Best wishes for a wonderful future always together!
Vi auguriamo tutta la felicità del mondo! We wish you all the happiness in the world!
Tanti auguri affinché questo giorno sia l’inizio di un felice e lungo futuro insieme. Wishing you that this day is the beginning of a happy and long future together.
Congratulazioni per il grande passo! Vi auguriamo uno splendido matrimonio. Congratulations on the big step! We wish you a wonderful wedded life.

Happy anniversary wishes

If you know a couple who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary soon, you should make them feel extra-special on the occasion. Whether it’s their first wedding anniversary or their 25th, prepare to say or write something special. Check out these congratulatory phrases.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Buon anniversario! Happy anniversary!
Felice anniversario! Happy anniversary!
Auguri e congratulazioni! Best wishes and congratulations!
Con l’augurio che l’amore e la felicità che vi hanno accompagnati siano sempre più grandi. Buon anniversario! With the wish that the love and happiness that accompanied you will be ever greater. Happy anniversary!
Festeggiamo con voi il vostro anniversario, con l’augurio che la felicità che state provando ora non abbia mai fine. As we celebrate your wedding anniversary with you, we wish you that the happiness you are experiencing now will never end.

Italian engagement wishes

So, somebody you know just got engaged? Here are some ideas to congratulate them.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni per il vostro fidanzamento! Congratulations on your engagement!
Auguri ai novelli fidanzati! Best wishes to the newly engaged couple!
Tanti auguri per una vita felice insieme. Best wishes for a happy life together.
I nostri migliori auguri in questa nuova fase della vostra vita. Our best wishes in this new phase of your life.
Auguri per una vita felice insieme! Best wishes for a happy life together!
Vi auguriamo tanto amore e felicità. We wish you much love and happiness.
Che la vostra vita sia come un giardino incantato dove raccogliere i vostri desideri. May your life be like an enchanted garden where you collect your wishes.
Vi auguriamo con immenso affetto che questo momento di intensa gioia possa durare per l’eternità. We wish you with immense affection that this moment of intense joy may last eternally.

Baby congratulations in Italian

If a friend, neighbor, coworker, or family member is expecting a baby, you’ll need some phrases to congratulate them. Here is what to say or write to expecting parents.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni per la dolce attesa! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Congratulazioni per la gravidanza! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Vi auguro tutto il meglio in un momento così straordinario della vostra vita. Congratulazioni! Wishing you all the best at such an extraordinary time in your lives. Congratulations!
Questo bambino sarà fortunato ad avere dei genitori così fantastici. Congratulazioni! This baby will be so lucky to have such great parents. Congratulations!

What to say to new parents

In the table below we’ve gathered some of the most common congratulatory phrases to say to new parents in a variety of baby-welcoming situations, from christenings to baby showers and adoption parties. Let’s take a look!

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni per la nascita! Congratulations on the birth!
Tanti auguri ai neogenitori! All the best to the new parents!
Le più vive e cordiali felicitazioni per il lieto evento! Heartfelt congratulations on the happy event!
Le nostre vivissime felicitazioni per il lieto evento! Our heartfelt congratulations on the happy event!
Congratulazioni per la nascita di tuo figlio! Congratulation on the birth of your baby boy!
Congratulazioni per la nascita di tua figlia! Congratulation on the birth of your baby girl!
Auguroni al nuovo arrivato! (son) Well wishes for the new arrival!
Auguroni alla nuova arrivata! (daughter) Well wishes for the new arrival!

Congratulations on buying a new home

Major achievements deserve to be celebrated. Perhaps a friend just bought their first home, or moved to a new one. Let them know you care with these congrats messages.

Italian congratulatory phrase translation
Congratulazioni per la casa nuova! Congrats on the new home!
Il vostro nido d’amore è magnifico. Auguri per la vostra nuova vita nella nuova casa. Your love nest is magnificent. Best wishes for your new life in your new home.
Complimenti per la nuova casa, è un gioiello! Congratulations on your new home, it’s a jewel!
Tanti auguri per la tua nuova casa che rispecchia il tuo modo di essere: eccezionale! Best wishes for your new home that reflects the way you are: amazing!

How to reply to congratulations in Italian

Check out the table below to find lots of examples of what to say in response to congratulations in Italian.

Italian phrase translation
Grazie Thank you
Grazie mille Thank you very much
Ti ringrazio Thank you
Molte grazie Many thanks
Ma grazie! Why, thank you!
Grazie di cuore Thanks with all my heart
Grazie dal profondo del cuore Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Grazie, è molto gentile da parte tua Thanks, that’s very kind of you
Sei molto gentile, grazie! Thanks, that’s very kind of you

Whatever the cause for celebration, you should now have the vocabulary you need to congratulate and receive congratulations, respond to good news, and celebrate life’s important moments in correct Italian.

As with anything else, the way you say congrats in Italian will always depend on context. Keep these ideas in mind for a meaningful way to say congratulations with grace and confidence!