How to Use Anime to Learn Japanese

In the course of my Japanese learning journey, I've heard the statement “You can’t learn Japanese from watching anime” more than a few times.

Perhaps due to the negative perception of “otaku culture” (which involves foreigners having a passion for anime and manga, sometimes to a negative extent), many Japanese learners try to distance themselves from the topic as much as possible.

However, in my experience, I’ve found anime to be an interesting resource that has helped supplement my study of the Japanese language.

That’s not to say it’s perfect. Much like with Japanese TV shows, you need a solid understanding of the basics of Japanese before you can really take advantage of it. You also need to watch and listen carefully –half-heartedly listening while you mess with your phone won’t teach you anything.

Nevertheless, it’s a great resource that is accessible, fun, and –most importantly– not a textbook. Read on to learn how to make the most out of your time watching anime, as well as some recommendations for good series to start out with.

The type of Japanese language used in anime

Before we jump into it, it’s important to understand that the Japanese used in anime is mostly casual and informal Japanese. Regardless of the situation, anime will almost always use this kind of language. While learning that kind of Japanese is useful, it’s not commonly used in many real-world situations.

Casual Japanese differs from the more commonly used polite variety in a bunch of ways. People use different pronouns, grammar gets simplified, and verbs are conjugated differently –and that’s just the start of it!

When learning Japanese from anime, it’s important to not only learn the meaning of words but also the correct context in which to use them.

See here for more detailed information on the levels of formality in the Japanese language.

Another thing to be aware of is the existence of gendered Japanese language: «danseigo» (masculine language) and «joseigo» (feminine language). When learning Japanese with anime, this is something one should watch out for.

How to make the best use of anime while learning Japanese

1. Try to stick to one anime show

When you're trying to decide which anime to watch, it can be a bit challenging to pick just one. You might think of watching a few shows at the same time –after all, you’re sure to learn something from all of them, right? However, my advice is to stick to a single show and focus on that.

There are a few reasons for this. The first is that by sticking to one show, you'll become familiar with the speech patterns of the main characters. That will make it easier to understand their dialogue, allowing you to focus more on following the storyline.

Another reason is that you’ll get used to the specific vocabulary that is used in that anime. For example, a sci-fi anime will feature very different terms than a romantic comedy. While encountering new vocabulary is part of learning from anime, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself.

If you're still eager to diversify what you watch, I recommend sticking to similar genres at the very least. That way, they’ll likely share some vocabulary, making your learning experience easier.

2. Take notes - and practice them!

Watching anime but not taking notes of new words won’t teach you much at all. It’s important to take notes of new words and phrases that you hear. Afterwards, you should look them up in a Japanese dictionary, to understand both the definition and the context that they’re used in.

You shouldn’t stop there either! It’s important that you practice these new words and phrases. How you practice them is up to you. I like to use flashcards to practice vocabulary, so I make new flashcards. Whichever way you like to practice, make sure that you include your new anime vocabulary.

3. Find the system that works for you

Everyone learns differently, and learning Japanese from anime works the same way. Everyone has their own system, and you should find what works best for you.

Some people prefer to watch episodes scene by scene, replaying them to ensure that they understand what’s happening. Others like myself prefer to first watch the entire episode uninterrupted, before taking a closer look at specific scenes.

You should also consider whether you plan to use subtitles or not. Many people find themselves simply reading the subtitles instead of listening to the anime, but they can be a great tool for beginners. Finding the right balance for your skills is key.

4. Test yourself

For more advanced students, it can be a good idea to test your understanding of an anime. I do this by watching a new episode of the anime and pausing it after each sentence.

I then write down an English translation of it, before unpausing the show. After a scene finishes, I replay it and compare my translation to the official subtitles of the show, or read the manga to see if I understood correctly.

Obviously, this is a tough challenge and not the best way to enjoy an anime. Do this too much and you’ll lose your motivation in no time. However, it is a great way of testing yourself, and I recommend giving it a go once in a while.

Great anime series for Japanese language learners

When it comes to picking an anime series to watch, it’s easy to pick up the first series that catches your eye. However, while personal taste is important, you should also consider whether or not it will improve your everyday Japanese language skills.

For instance, sci-fi and fantasy anime will have lots of peculiar vocabulary that probably won’t come up very often in real life.

Here are some of my recommended anime for learning Japanese:

So, ready to watch some anime? It’s a great way to add some excitement to your learning journey, so don't hesitate to give it a try! Even though it can be difficult at first, persevere and you’re listening comprehension and Japanese vocabulary will improve leaps and bounds! Good luck!